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6 Tips on How to Protect Your iPhone Data Safe

The higher value and more popular the device is, the more dangerous it will be. To some extent, the popularity and high value of iPhone result in the possibility of iPhone stolen or lost. When iPhone is stolen or lost, data on iPhone will be used by others casually if they are not protected with any measures.

So is there any ways or tips to protect iPhonewe can do by ourselves? Surely there is, please follow these tips below to keep iPhone data safe.

Tip 1: Create a Complicated Passcode

In iOS 4 and lower version, probably you can only create digital passcode. However, when you are using iOS 4 or supper version, more complicated passcode can be created. For example, alphanumeric password consists of numbers, alpha lower or upper case characters or other characters.

Go to Settings – General – Touch ID & Passcode, and turn off "Simple Passcode". Type in your iPhone existing passcode now and set a new password for iPhone access.

create a new complicated password for iPhone

Tip 2: Use Touch ID If Possible

create Touch ID for iPhone

Touch ID is available in iPhone 6 Plus, 6, 5s and iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3. It is a new and special way to access iPhone with only your fingerprint. If your iPhone is one of these versions, make full use of it. It can bring you more convenient access to iPhone, and get rid of other people using it. Now you just need to create a Touch ID account.

Tip 3: Turn Find My iPhone on

Find My iPhone is free service for iPhone users to locate lost iPhone and can delete all data and settings on this iPhone.

Therefore, before unfortunate things happen, turn on Find My iPhone is necessary in Settings – iCloud with Apple ID.

turn Find My iPhone on

But this still cannot promise that you can successfully erase iPhone remotely when iPhone is in other people’s hand. Because deleting iPhone data remotely asks for internet connection, and as long as Control Center appearing on lockscreen, another person can disable internet connection.

So when you turn Find My iPhone on, please prevent Control Center from appearing on the top of lockscreen.

Go to Settings – Control Center , Turn off Access on Lock Screen.

Tip 4: Encrypt Backup When Sync iPhone to Computer

Why we have to encrypt backup when sync iPhone to computer?

If we have set iPhone synced to computer, iPhone backup will be created automatically when it is connected to computer. However, if we do not encrypt iPhone backup, anyone can access this computer, and easily use this backup without any difficulties. As a result, your iPhone data can be seen clearly in other people’s iPhone.

And if you don't want it happen, just check "Encrypt iPhone backup" or "Encrypt local backup" box in iTunes before you sync iPhone to computer.

encrypt iPhone backup when sync

Tip 5: Disable Siri Access from Lockscreen

turn off Siri from lockscreenEven though you have made alphanumeric password, Touch ID and Find My iPhone enable, made Control Center disable, people still can access iPhone lockscreen by Siri. 

So please disable Siri access from Lockscreen.

Go to Settings – General – Touch ID and Passcode, type your passcode and click Done. Toggle off Siri under the "Allow Access When Locked" section.

While you're at it, you can also toggle off Passbook access to make sure no one can get to your sensitive information without first unlocking your iPhone.

Tip 6: Don’t Jailbreak your iPhone

Surely jailbreaking iPhone allows you to customize your iPhone in ways not approved by Apple and install apps that have been rejected in the official App Store. But if you want your iPhone to be secure as possible, stay far away from jailbreaking.

Actually, Apple has designed the secure operating system that runs on the iPhone. If there is no accident, no viruses, malware, or other software-based security threats iPhone like PCs and Android phones. The only viruses that have struck iPhones have targeted jailbroken devices. So, for the security of iPhone, don’t jailbreaking.

Even though all these settings cannot protect iPhone from using when it is stolen or lost, they are enough for iPhone users to protect their iPhone. 

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How to Unlock iPhone without iTunes or Passcode

When you forgot passcode or couldn’t connect iPhone to computer with iTunes, how to unlock iPhone when it is locked out?

If you want to find effective ways for this problem, I think it has to be discussed in following two parts.
So now the passage below will describe the details to unlock locked iPhone without iTunes or passcode.
unlock iPhone without iTunes or passcode

Part 1: How to Unlock iPhone without iTunes

If you couldn’t useRestore feature in iTunes, iPhone buttons can restore iPhone to factory settings. And then iPhone can be restored from iCloud backup after factory reset.

When iPhone is locked, hold Sleep button and Home button at the same time, iPhone will enter recovery mode. And then you just follow tips to do.

Part 2: How to Unlock iPhone without Passcode

Method 1: Access Locked iPhone with Touch ID

Use Touch ID instead of passcode to access locked iPhone, if it is iPhone 6, 6 plus, 5s or 5c. Touch ID is another way to protect iPhone, which has been created before you want to use it to enter locked iPhone. It is a fingerprint of iPhone user. And it can be used to unlock iPhone when your iPhone is locked because of passcode forgot.

Method 2: Unlock iPhone with iTunes

If iTunes is not available for iPhone, follow part 1.

If iPhone can be connected to computer, and just couldn’t be checked by iTunes, iOSBoot Genius is another choice for your iPhone. It can easily enter iPhone recovery mode, so you can restore iPhone to factory default to unlock iPhone.

Step 1: Connect iPhone to computer.

Step 2: Install and run iOSBoot Genius.

Step 3: Click "Enter Recovery Mode" in iOSBoot Genius.

When "Exit Recovery Mode" becomes available, iPhone can instantly restore to factory settings with recovery mode.

How to Restore Deleted Sound Driver after Failed Update

With the Windows update, the updater will automatically find newer device/driver for your computer, surely including sound driver. However, not all of new drivers work better than the old one or adapt to computer. So sometimes when we probably encounter problems, such as audio plays wrongly or you can’t hear music or any sound, restoring sound driver to original state will be an easy and effective way to this problem.

The following steps will introduce how to restore sound driver to original state after failed updating sound driver. (Eg. Windows 7 computer)

Step 1: Click Start in Windows 7 computer and type "Device Manager" in Windows search box.

Step 2: Press Enter to run Device Manager.

There is another way to open Device Manager.

1. Click Start and open Control Panel.

2. Choose "System and Security".

3. Under "System" option, choose "Device Manager" and open it.

open Device Manager to manage sound driver

Step 3: Look for "Sound, video and game controllers", and expand its device list by clicking on the arrow next to it.

Or double-click "Sound, video and game controllers" to expand its device list. Then you can see the sound card your computer is using.

choose sound card in Device Manager

Step 4: Double-click the sound card to open its "Properties" window.

Or right click sound card, and select "Properties" option.

Step 5: Choose "Driver" and select "Roll Back Driver".

restore sound driver to previous state

Remember to agree that restore back to previously installed driver when prompted.

Tips: Updating driver is the general way to solve problem when sound driver doesn’t work properly. No matter updating sound driver if there is no sound in Windows, or roll back to early state after failed update, they are intended to solve sound driver problem. 

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How to Secure and Edit a Secured PDF Document

Why we should have to secure PDF file?
  1. PDF (Portable document format) is popular document sharing format over the Internet. PDF file are usually used in formal or informal occasions.
  2. Because of various advantages offered by the portable document format, lots of confidential documents are transferred by people via Internet, e-mail etc.
  3. If PDF file is not protected with password or permissions, any persons can open even change PDF document contents, which will lead to PDF crack and receivers cannot get the right one.

Part 1: How to Secure a PDF File

If you are the creator and owner of PDF file, you can protect PDF file with password and permissions by yourself now.

The following article in this part will mainly talk about how to secure PDF files with password and permissions.

Step 1: When PDF file is prepared and open, navigate to Protection – Encrypt – Encrypt with Password in Tool pane at the right side of PDF file window. Or in tool bar, click Encrypt button and select "Encrypt with Password".

choose Encrypt with Password option for PDF file

Step 2: In pop-up Password Security Settings window, document open password and permissions can be set.

set open and permissions password for PDF file

  • Check Require a password to open the document, and type a secure password in Document Open Password box.
  • Check box under Permissions, and type a different complex password in Change Permissions Password box. Click OK.
Step 3: Then password confirmation dialog pops up. Type document open and permissions password again in dialogs and click OK.

confirm PDF document open password

confirm PDF document permissions password

Step 4: The last step is to save changes on this PDF file, otherwise, PDF file will not be secured really with password and permissions.

Part 2: How to Edit a Secured PDF Document

When PDF document is secured with open password and edit permissions, open password should be known to open secured PDF document, then remove permissions, PDF document can be edited.

Step 1: Open secured PDF document.

If you have PDF open password, open PDF document instantly, otherwise, PDF document open password should be found first. For example, take effective PDF Password Genius to find PDF open password.

1. Get, install and run PDF Password Geniuson your computer.

2. Import protected PDF document by clicking Open button in tool bar of PDF Password Genius.

3. Choose password recovery typeand make settings for it in order to find PDF password with as short time as possible. 

 4. Begin to recover PDF document password after Start button clicked.

find secured PDF document open password

5. Copy password in window appearing following and open secured PDF document with it.

open PDF document with recovered password

Step 2: Remove PDF Edit Permissions.

cannot edit PDF document
1. Turn to "Encrypt" button in tool bar, click it to choose Remove Security.

choose Remove Security option for PDF document

2. Enter permissions password you have in pop up password box. Click OK. Then you can see the Restrict Editing button become available, that means PDF security password has been removed.

remove PDF edit permissions

Step 3: Edit PDF document without any restrictions.

Above steps are intended to remove secured PDF document security, so if you want to protect PDF after editing, you should set document open password and permissions again.

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How to Create a New PDF Document with Word/Excel/PowerPoint or Other Files

As a popular document read mode, PDF format is used usually on computer, mobile phone and other digital devices. So many other files types are converted to PDF document for reading more conveniently. Now let’s see how can we create a new PDF document from other files?

Three Methods to Create a PDF document from Word/Excel/PowerPoint or other files:

Method 1: Save Word/Excel/PowerPoint as PDF format document

Step 1: Open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint 2007 or newer versions, and click File – Save As.

choose Word save as option

Step 2: In the pop-up Save As window, set a name. Browse Save as type, and choose PDF. Click Save.

save Word document as PDF document

Method 2: Create PDF with Word/Excel/PowerPoint by Adobe Acrobat Menu

After you install Adobe Acrobat, there will be a new menu "Acrobat" in Word/Excel/PowerPoint menu. Several options are provided in Acrobat, such as "Create PDF".

Step 1: Open Word, Excel, or PowerPoint 2007 or newer versions file.

Step 2: Click Acrobat menu and choose Create PDF option under it.

create PDF document from Word with Acrobat menu

Method 3: Create PDF with any files by combining files in Acrobat

After you install Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, one new option "Combine files in Acrobat" is added to right-click menu. No matter which kind of file you want to create as a PDF file, just combine them and save it is OK. Then a new PDF file will be created, which includes all of the content of files you add.

Step 1: Right click one file you want to add to the new PDF. And choose “Combine files in Acrobat” in right-click menu.

choose Combine files in Acrobat option

Step 2: In Combine Files window, you can see the file you just clicked. Now click Add Files – Add Files button.

create Add Files button in Combine Files window

Or you can open a PDF file first, and then click File – Create – Combine Files into a Single PDF.

choose Combine Files into a Single PDF

Then "Combine Files" window also appears.

Combine Files window appears

Step 3: Select the files you want to add to the new PDF, and click Open.

open files to combine into PDF

If there are still files you want to add, repeat above two steps.

Step 4: When all of files have been added, arrange the files and make them listed as you like.

arrange added files list

Step 5: Confirm and click Combine Files.

combine files into PDF document

Step 6: After they are added into new PDF file and open, press Ctrl + S to save it.

save as a new PDF document

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How to Check Hard Drive Errors and Fix Them in Windows 7/8

We may encounter file or physical errors on hard drive more or less. How can we fix the problems easily and safely? Check and fix errors on hard drive is an effective way for you to solve it. Now let’s see how to check errors on Windows 7 or Windows 8 hard drive, and then you can decide to fix them or not.  

How to Check Windows 7 Hard Drive Errors

You can solve some computer problems by checking a drive or drives for errors. For example, you can check your computer's primary hard disk to fix some performance issues, or you can check an external hard drive if it's not working properly.

1. Click Start button and Computerto open Computer.

open Windows 7 computer

2. Choose the hard drive you want to check, and right click it to choose Properties.

3. Click the Tools tab in Properties window, and under Error checking, click Check now.

4. There are two options available for you to choose before starting checking disk.

choose check disk options

  • Automatically fix file system errors: automatically repair problems with files and folders that the scan detects.
  • Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors: perform thorough check, this scan attempts to find and repair physical errors on the drive itself, and it can take much longer to complete.

       If you want to check both file errors and physical errors, select both of them.

5. Click Start.

The process of hard drive checking may take several minutes, and this depends on the size of hard drive and which type of option you choose to check hard drive.

Tips: Please don’t do anything on the hard drive you are checking. And while hard drive is in use, Windows cannot check the disk. 

check hard disk errors on Windows 7

At this time, if you cancel "Force a dismount", Windows will prompt you that if you want to check for hard disk errors the next time you start your computer. If you are sure, click "Schedule disk check". If not, click Cancel.
schedule next disk check

How to Check Windows 8 Hard Drive

Windows 8 can enable you to scan PC’s hard drive for potential problems. And generally, Windows 8 automatically scans each hard drive on your system on a regular basis. But you can manually scan a drive at any time. Now the following steps will guide you to scan and check hard drive errors on Windows 8 by yourself.

Step 1: Start Windows 8 and click Desktop in Start screen.

Step 2: Move your mouse to the upper right side of desktop. And type "Computer" in Search box.

search and open computer in Windows 8

Step 3: Click Computer in the left result to open Computer. 
Step 4: Right click the hard drive you want to scan or check. And click Properties.

open Windows 8 hard drive properties

Step 5: Tab Tools, and under Error checking, click Check.

choose to check Windows 8 hard drive

If there is no errors on this drive, you will be prompted with a message "You don’t need to scan this drive". Surely you can cancel hard drive check at this moment, or continuously scan hard drive.

scan Windows 8 hard drive or not

When you choose to scan disk, about few minutes later, you would see whether there are errors on hard disk and you should fix them.

successfully check errors for Windows 8 hard drive

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Recover Data from a Damaged Seagate External Hard Drive

I just found that data has been lost after transferring data from Seagate external hard drive to computer. And now Seagate external hard drive seems to be damaged. It has become inaccessible.  

If you are in such situation and in search to find how to recover data from damaged Seagate external hard drive, it is important to clarify why data lost after transaction.

Technical Errors: Sometimes, lots of data always lose after we accidently delete or copy, but not paste them at right location.

Hard Disk Errors: Seagate external hard drive has been used for a long time. And now it becomes broken, so data lost.

Software Errors: When transferring data from external hard drive to computer, Seagate external hard drive is attacked by virus software on computer.

No matter which reason, Seagate external hard drive damaged is inevitable now. But don’t panic. There is still chance to recover Seagate external hard drive data, as long as the external hard drive has not been written with new data.

How to recover Seagate external hard drive lost data?

Data Genius is a powerful and free Seagate hard drive data recovery tool, no matter hard drive is formatted, virus-attacked, partition or any other reasons.

Seagate external hard drive data recovery with tool

Steps for data recovery from Seagate damaged external hard drive:
  1. Connect damaged Seagate external hard drive to accessible computer.
  2. Download and install iSunshare Data Genius on this computer.
  3. Run data recovery tool and choose data recovery option. If you are not sure, choose Deleted Recovery. Click Next.
  4. Choose external hard drive and click Scan button.
  5. When hard drive scan process completes, lost data or files can be seen in the left pane of Data Genius new window.
    You can select the files and preview them in the right pane to see whether they are the lost data you want to recover from damaged Seagate external hard drive.
  6. Check files you are sure to recover and click Recover button.
  7. At the following pop-up window, choose a location on computer to save recovered data.
  8. Until "Recovery is finished" message appears, lost data is recovered successfully from Seagate external hard drive. Click OK and you will turn to the recovered data. 
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Western Digital External Hard Drive Lost Data Recovery

Nowadays, Western digital external hard drive is used popularly to backup data because its mini size as well as huge data storage capability. So when lost Western external hard drive data, it is necessary to find the reason first in order to get appropriate data recovery method.

Why Western digital external hard drive data lost?

From various cases of data loss from internal or external hard drive, there are mainly these reasons.

1. External Hard Drive Format

This happens usually, because when external hard drive is connected to computer, a message popping up and asking whether you want to format external hard drive. Once we couldn’t see it clearly, external hard drive is probably to be formatted by us. In result, all of data on this external hard drive are lost.

2. Virus Infections

When WD external hard drive is connected to other devices, such as computer, virus on this computer will probably infect the data on external hard drive. Once your computer is attacked with virus, not only system performance would slow down, but also devices connected to computer would be infected. So data lost because of virus often happens too.

3. Accidental Files Deletion

While we are operating data on WD external hard drive, such as copy and paste using right-click menu, sometimes data would probably be delete accidently too if we don’t pay much attention to what we done. Unfortunately, data deleted from external hard drive cannot be found in Recycle Bin. Therefore, accident data deletion from external storage devices will lead to data loss too.

How to choose data recovery tool for Western digital external hard drive data recovery?

Even though it seems to be terrible after Western digital external hard drive data lost, there is nothing we cannot do. For example, iSunshare Data Genius can help to free recover lost data from WD external hard drive.

western digital external hard drive data recovery

  1. Connect Western digital external hard drive to computer.
  2. Download, install and run Data Genius.
  3. Select data recovery option and click Next.
  4. Choose Western digital external hard drive and click Scan button.
  5. After all the files are scanned successfully, preview them on window, check them and click Recover button to save them on computer hard drive after WD external hard drive data recovery
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How to Recover Files from Broken Toshiba External Hard Drive

Toshiba hard drive has become broken suddenly without any warning. Unfortunately, precious files on it lost at the same time. So terrible it is. Is there any way effective for Toshiba external hard drive file recovery?

Believe many people would think of backup. Surely restoring from backup is the most effective and safe way to get back Toshiba hard drive lost files. However, this way requires a previous backup for broken Toshiba external hard drive and the backup has to be saved on another location. But not everyone could backup hard drive data and save it safely. Therefore, looking for another way or tool to recover files from Toshiba external hard driveis an urgent thing. Now, Data Genius can give a help.

Recover Files from Broken Toshiba External Hard Drive with Data Recovery Tool

Data Genius is a free data recovery tool, which can solve several data loss issues because of various reasons, such as careless deletion, hard drive format and partition, hard drive virus attacked. When Toshiba external hard drive is broken, we have to make sure the there is a computer accessible; otherwise we can’t recover lost files from Toshiba external hard drive.

Step 1: Download Data Genius and install it on your computer. Then run it.

When Data Genius can be installed and run on Toshiba computer, it means there would be no problem to Toshiba external hard drive data recovery.

Step 2: Select data recovery type from provided four data recovery options. If you are not sure, select Deleted Recovery.

choose file recovery type for Toshiba external hard drive

Step 3: Choose external hard drive and scan. You will see the scan process and until it is finished, lost files will be listed in the window.

scan Toshiba external hard drive

Step 4: Select files to preview and make sure whether recovering them. Or if you think all of them need to be recovered, check them all and click Recover button to choose a folder to save recovered Toshiba files on another external hard drive or compute hard drive.

Toshiba external hard drive file recovery

If external hard drive is broken, it is necessary to save recovered data on another hard drive or external hard drive. So before recovering Toshiba hard drive files, please get an external hard drive, such as Toshiba external hard drive.

Step 5: Now believe you have gotten a message "Recovery is finished". Click OK and you can see the lost Toshiba hard drive files.

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How to Import External Data into Access 2013 App or Desktop Database

While you want Access database referring to your important excel file, the introduction about importing external data into Access 2013 App or desktop database in this passage would tell you how to do. So whether you have such a problem, go on to read.
  • S1: Import external file into an Access 2013 app
  • S2: Import external data into Access 2013 desktop database

S1: Import external file into an Access 2013 app

Available external file type: Excel workbooks, ODBC data sources, text/CSV files, SharePoint lists, and other Access databases.

Preparation: Access 2013 has been installed and opened on your computer and imported files have been prepared on computer or connected storage devices.

Step 1: On the Add Tables page, you can import data from Excel workbooks, ODBC data resources, text/CSV files, SharePoint lists, and other Access databases.

Tips: You can see Add Tables page when creating a new custom app. But if you have already started an app, open it in Access, then click Home - Table.

Step 2: Near the bottom of the Add Tables page, click the type of data source you want to import, and follow the instructions in the Get External Data wizard.

Tips: Imported data is always added to new table with default List and Datasheet views.

S2: Import external data into Access 2013 desktop database

Imported data can be added to existing table. And sometimes, when you couldn’t import data directly into an app, you might be able to import it into a desktop database first, and then import desktop database table into the app.

For example: import external excel file into Access 2013 desktop database

Step 1: Open Access 2013. On the External Data tab, in the Import & Link group, click the file type you want to import.

choose external file type to import into access

Step 2: Follow the instructions in the Get External Data Wizard. For example, click "Browse" button next to "File name" box, to specify the source of the definition of the objects. Now we choose to import Excel file.

specify external data location

Step 3: Follow "Import Spreadsheet Wizard" to do.

3-1 Choose Show Worksheet you like and click Next
3-2 Check "First Row Contains Column Headings" and click Next
3-3 Set "Field Name" and "Data Type"
3-4 Set datasheet primary key
3-5 Set a name for imported Excel file in Access and click Finish
3-6 Exit "Import Spreadsheet Wizard"
or Save Excel import steps
Tips: "Save import steps" will make it confident to import excel file next time again into Access 2013, not needing to follow "Import Spreadsheet Wizard" to do step by step.

Step 4: External Excel file has been successfully imported into Access 2013.

external excel file data imported into access 2013 successfully


The beginning of importing different external data into Access is the same. But it would be different after you choose the file type you want to import. For example, if you want to import SQL database into Access database, it would be more complex than importing Excel or access database file into Access.

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How to Import Existing Access or SQL Database into Access

SQL Server and Access are undoubtedly two important database services. So import and export data between them are usual. In this passage, we will mainly talk about something about data import, for example, how to import access or sql database into Access.

Part 1: Import existing access database into new Access database

When you are using database in Microsoft Access 2000/2002/2003/2007/2010/2013 etc, you can import tables, queries, and macros from that database into a Microsoft Office Access 2007/2010/2013 database (.accdb). We also can say import data from MDB database file into ACCDB database file.

Step 1: Click the Microsoft Office button, and then click Open.

Step 2: In the Open dialog box, select and open the access database that you want to import the tables, queries, or macros into.

open access database in Access

Step 3: On the External Data tab, in the Import or Import & Link group, click Access.

select external data type access database

Step 4: Click Browsebutton to specify the source of access database in Get External Data window. Click OK.
specify imported access database location

Step 5: In Import Objects window, tab Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros and Modules. Select what you want to import into opening access database. Then click OK.

select objects from access database to import

To make additional settings, click Options to specify them.

Step 6: You will instantly get a message "All objects were imported successfully".

import objects from access database into access successfully

Click Close directly or check "Save import steps" to save the process of importing access database into Access database. So you can follow the import steps to import data more quickly when you want to import access database again.

After that, you can open and edit import datasheet now in current access database.

import access database into access successfully

Part 2: Import SQL database into Access

Besides access database, there is no doubt that SQL Server database data also can be imported into Access desktop database or Access apps. Now please see how to import sql database into Access desktop database.

Step 1: Open Access desktop database you want to import SQL database in Microsoft Access.

Step 2: On External Data tab, click ODBC Database.

choose imported database type odbc
Step 3: When you see "Get External Data" wizard, check "Import the source data into a new table in the current database". Click OK.

Step 4: In pop-up Select Data Source window, if you can find .dsn file, select the file in the list. If not, it will be necessary to create a new .dsn file.

select sql data source

Follow introductions show how to create a new DSN file in details.

1. Click New and go to Create New Data Source.  

2. Select "SQL Server" in the driver list and click Next.

create new sql data source

3. Type a name for .dsn file and click Browse to save the file in computer.

save new sql data source file

4. Click Next, review the data source information, then click Finish to complete creation wizard.

confirm sql data source information

Then you can see a new dialog "Create a New Data Source to SQL Server". The "Description" is optional. But we have to set the SQL Server we want to connect to.

create an odbc data source to connect to SQL Server

5. Type the SQL Server or select one from Server drop-down list. Click Next.
6. Confirm the authenticity of the SQL Server login ID.
7. If you want to connect to a specific database, ensure that the Change the default database to check box is selected. Then select the database that you want to work with, and then click Next.
8. Click Finish.
9. Review the summary information and click Test Data Source.
10. Review the test results, and then click OK to close the dialog box.

Step 5: Click OK to close the Select Data Source dialog box.

Step 6: In Import Objects dialog box, tab Tables, and click each table or view what you want to import into Access database. Click OK.

Step 7: If the Select Unique Record Identifier dialog box appears, select the field or combination of fields that is unique for each row, and then click OK. If you are not sure, contact to the administrator of SQL Server database.

Step 8: Click Close under Save Import Steps in the Get External Data - ODBC Database dialog box. Access finishes the import operation and displays the new table or tables in the Navigation Pane.

Or check "Save import steps". If you plan to repeat the import operation later, you can check it and easily rerun the same import steps later.

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Is There Available Default Administrator for Windows 10 Logon

If you remember when we forgot password to login windows 8/7/vista/xp, built-in administrator is always used to login Windows computer in safe mode. Believe you would ask whether there would be also available default administrator for Windows 10.

Q 1: Is there default administrator available in Windows 10?

To be honest, there is default administrator for Windows 10, but it is not available default. If we want it available, we have to enable it by ourselves.

Until default administrator is enabled in Windows 10, we can see it on logon screen and choose it to login into Windows 10 without password.

Q 2: When Windows 10 default administrator is available?

When Windows 10 default administrator can be seen even if it is not enabled manually?

It is like previous Windows systems, default administrator is available when Windows 10 is in safe mode. From the point of view, there would be another way resetting Windows 10 password after Windows 10 administrator password forgot. This way is called reset Windows 10 password in safe mode with default administrator.

Q 3: How to make full use of Windows 10 default administrator?

As soon as Windows 10 default administrator is realized and is available, what can we make it do for us during Windows 10 computer use?
  1. Login Windows 10 in safe mode when other user accounts are locked.
  2. Run programs with admin privileges.
  3. Reset Windows 10 user password in safe mode.

How to Start Windows 10 in Safe Mode When Computer Locked or Not

Windows 10 safe mode is undoubtedly good pattern to boot Windows 10, especially when we encounter some problems about Windows systems. Now please learn how to start Windows 10 computer in safe mode when computer is available or locked.

How to start Windows 10 in safe mode when computer is available

1. When your Windows 10 computer is accessible, click Start and Power icon, then press and hold on Shift key, and click Restartat the same time.

restart accessible windows 10 in safe mode

2. As a new window screen appears, choose Troubleshoot, and then select Advanced options.

choose windows 10 troubleshoot

choose advanced options in windows 10 troubleshoot

3. Choose Startup Settings under "Advanced options".

choose startup settings for windows 10

4. In Startup Settings, you can see there are several options for you to change Windows startup settings when you reboot Windows 10 computer again. So now click Restart.

restart windows 10 to change windows options

5. Once you decide to restart Windows 10 with which option enabled or disabled, press corresponding number key to make it done. Now we are going to boot Windows 10 in safe mode. So press F4and wait for Windows 10 starting in safe mode.

enable windows 10 safe mode to restart

Tips: When Windows 10 reboots and before entering Windows 10 in safe mode, logon screen still asks you to type password. 

login in windows 10 safe mode with user

Because computer is available, so just choose the available user and type password to login Windows 10 in safe mode. The following image shows Windows 10 safe mode.

enter windows 10 safe mode

How to start Windows 10 in safe mode when computer is locked

When Windows 10 password forgot and you are locked out of Windows 10, how can you boot Windows 10 in safe mode, in order to make full use of default administrator to reset Windows 10 forgotten password?

Actually, on Windows 10 logon screen, you can see Power button at the right bottom side, click it and select "Restart" button, at the same time, press and hold on Shift key.

start locked windows 10 in safe mode

Then Windows 10 will enter a new window, where you can choose "Troubleshoot - Advanced options". Following steps will be the same as starting Windows 10 in safe mode when computer is available.

The difference is that there is no available user for logon now when Windows 10 restarts and is going to safe mode. But, if now default administrator is enabled, you can see it in user list and login Windows 10 with it.

If the methods in above referred passage are not effective for you to enable Windows 10 default administrator, please get Windows Password Genius Advanced to create a password reset disk, and then use it to boot locked windows 10 computer. You would see default administrator and could reset Windows 10 default administrator password. But only when default administrator is enabled in accessible Windows 10, can it login Windows 10 with new password. So at this moment, it might have been wiser to reset other user password or create new administrator for Windows 10 logon. Then you could enable Windows 10 default administrator or start Windows 10 in safe mode.

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How to Personalize Windows 10 Lock Screen

Do you think default Windows 10 lock screen is what you want? Is it shown as you like?

If the answer isn’t sure, it’s time to personalize your Windows 10 lock screen with customized settings. In order to introduce more in details, we will talk about it in in two parts.

Part 1: Customize Windows 10 lock screen background

Generally, Windows 10 lock screen shows Windows default background. Do you want to customize your Windows 10 lock screen? Regardless of the default one, you can choose to display a picture you like, and Microsoft supplies several new background images for the lock screen.

Summary: Go to Settings - Personalization, you can switch from Windows Default to a custom picture or slideshow.

Step 1: Sign in Windows 10 with administrator. Click Start menu at the Windows left bottom side and choose Settings.

choose windows 10 settings

Step 2: Select Personalizationin Settings window.

choose windows 10 personalization

Step 3: In Personalization window, you can see Windows default background on lock screen preview. Now if you want to customize Windows 10 lock screen with another picture or slideshow. Browse Background drop-down list and choose "Picture" or "Slideshow".  Then go on with following detailed introductions.

windows 10 background personalization

1. Customize Windows 10 lock screen with a picture

1-1 Select "Picture" from Background drop-down list.

customize windows 10 lock screen with picture

1-2 Several pictures will show under "Choose your picture". So just select one from them and picture will show in lock screen preview. Or if all of them don’t meet your requirements, click "Browse" button to select another image from other folders in Windows 10 computer.

2. Customize Windows 10 lock screen with slideshow: Enable alternate lock screen background

2-1 Select "Slideshow" in Background drop-down list.

customize windows 10 lock screen with slideshow

2-2 There will be a folder Pictures. Choose Pictures for slideshow and make more detailed settings by clicking "Advanced slideshow settings".

windows 10 advanced slideshow settings

Part 2: Add apps to show quick or detailed status on Windows 10 lock screen

In Windows 10 Personalization window, you also can see there is an option for choosing apps to show quick status and choose an app to display detailed status.

Step 1: Click app under "Choose an app to display detailed status". And you can see several apps in pop-up apps list, select one from them and it will be shown on lock screen with detailed settings.

add one app to display detailed status on windows 10

Step 2: Under "Choose apps to show quick status", if there have not been 7 apps, click "Add key" to select app you want to show quick status. Or if there have been 7 apps there, but you want to show other apps on Windows 10 lock screen, click the app you want to remove from app list and choose one you want to show instead of removed one. 

add windows 10 apps to show quick status

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How to Encrypt Files or Folders in Windows 10 Computer

Encrypt files, such as Office files, archives, PDF document, is surely not so strange for computer user. They are usually encrypted with file creation tools, Microsoft Office, WinRAR, or Adobe Acrobat etc. So how is encrypting general files or folders not created with special file tools in Windows 10 computer?

When you have no idea to encrypt files or folders in new Windows 10 computer, please search "encrypt file" in Windows 10 Search box, there will be two options for you to choose. One is "Encrypt your offline files", the other is "Manage file encryption certificates". Believe these two options are the most appropriate options for us to choose now on computer if no password encryption tools available.

search how to encrypt files in windows 10

Therefore, if you have Windows 10 files or folders to encrypt, please follow several parts below to go.

Part 1: Manage file encryption certificates in Windows 10

Once you choose "Manage file encryption certificates" after search, a new window would pop up and ask you to select or create a file encryption certificate.

If you have one created before, now check "Use this certificate" on interface and click "Select certificate" button to select one in pop-up dialog. Then it will be shown in "Certificate details".

choose to create a new file encryption certificate

However, if you have no file encryption certificate, please check "Create a new certificate" and click Next button to create a new one for Windows 10 first.

1. Select an option to automatically create and store a file encryption certificate.

Now we choose A self-signed certificate stored on my computer, because we have no smart card or certification authority. Click Next button.

choose certificate type to create on windows 10

2. Back up the certificate and key, or we can back up the certificate and key later. Click Next.

go on file certificate creation without back up now

3. If there have been encrypted files, select previous encrypted files and update them with new certificate and key. Or update them later is also permitted. Click Next.

update encrypted files later

Certificate and key have been set successfully. Click View certificate and certificate detailed information will be shown in new dialog. Now you can click Close button to finish creating file encryption certificate. If file encryption certificates have not been back up, please read more about file encryption certificates backup for Windows 10 below.

view file encryption certificate information

Backup file encryption certificates

After creating file encryption certificate and it has not been back up, there will be a message prompting you to back up it on Windows interface. Choose "Back up now".

begin to back up windows 10 file encryption certificate

1. Click Next on Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard window.

start export file encryption certificate

2. Select file format for certificate when it is exported. Click Next.

select export certificate file format

3. Set a password for certificate to protect the private key. Click Next.

set password for certificate file for file encryption

4. Select a file you want to export certificate to. Click Next.

name export certificate file

5. When you see certificate export settings in new window, click Finish to complete the Certificate Export Wizard.

complete backing up file encryption certificate

Part 2: How to encrypt Windows 10 offline files

1. Once you choose Encrypt your offline files, a new dialog Offline Files will appear.

2. Choose Encryption on menu, and click Encrypt tab. Click OK.
If you want to decrypt it later, just click "Unencrypt" tab next to "Encrypt". Then click OK.

encrypt windows 10 offline filesdecrypt windows 10 encrypted offline files

Part 3: How to encrypt contents in file or folder to secure Windows 10 data

This way is intended to encrypt contents in file or folder with default file encryption certificates.

1. Right click the folder you want to encrypt contents. And click Properties.

open folder properties

For example, you want to encrypt folder "Music". Now Music Properties dialog has appeared.

2. Under General tab, click Advanced option in Attributes.

3. Check Encrypt contents to secure data in Advanced Attributes dialog. Click OK.

choose to encrypt contents to secure data

4. Click Apply in Music Properties. Then click OK to Confirm Attribute Changes.

apply encryption changes to related windows 10 folders

Wait for few seconds to apply changes to folder you choose.

5. Now click Advanced on Music Properties again. Click Details after Encrypt contents to secure data, you would see this folder is only available for user who make the changes to the folder.

view contents encryption details for data security

windows 10 folder encryption details

So even though your computer is used by other computer users, this folder would not be accessed with permission.

Part 4: Encrypt Windows 10 files by preventing specific user from files or folders

On folder Properties, you also can make specific permissions for specific user. Surely, you can deny access and editing on the folder.

1. Tab Security in Music Properties dialog. Select user who you want to change permissions. Then click Edit under Group or user names.

choose to change user permissions to folder

2. Confirm user in user group, and check all of permissions boxes under Deny in "Permissions for clara". Click Apply.

constraint user permissions to windows 10 folder

3. When a prompting message from Windows Security, click Yes.

confirm deny permissions entry to windows 10 folder

4. Click OK and turn back to Music Properties dialog, and you would see in Permissions for clara. All of permissions have been denied. Click OK.

view user deny permissions in folder security option

Now no one could access this folder, unless who have made these changes removes all of permission protection from this folder.

no available access to windows 10 folder

Above passage has introduced how to encrypt Windows 10 files or folders or protect them with permissions from different point of views. If you still have any questions about encrypting specific files, such as encrypt Office files, PDF documents or archives, see articles below.

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Access Database Password Reset with Access Password Recovery Tool

How is access password recovery tool? Is it really available for Access database password reset? When encountering access password problem, this tool is always mentioned. So we should have to realize and understand it eventually if we wish the problem solved effectively.

As soon as you search the Internet, you would find there are so many access password recovery tools, seeming to be available all. But we can’t promise all of them are powerful or safe just by looking at them. So, which one is really effective tool for access password reset?

Now let’s see two popular ones, Access Password Genius and Office Password Genius and use them for access password reset.

Access Database Password Reset with Access Password Genius

See the detailed steps to reset Access database password with Access Password Genius, you would know whether it is or not.

access database password reset

Step 1: After running Access Password Genius, click "Open" button and you can browse access database file and import it into password tool. See the image.

Conclusion: You can import access database file into Access Password Genius successfully.

Step 2: In "Type of attack", select one of password attack types and set password range, length, dictionary etc for it.

Conclusion: You can choose password reset method for access database file.

Step 3: Click "Start" button and instantly access database password pops up in a window.

Conclusion: Access password reset program is so easily to be startup only needing to click one button.
Even though the above three steps looks simple, they are enough to reset access database file password.

Access Database Password Reset with Office Password Genius

After you run Office Password Genius, you would find its interface is similar to Access Password Genius.
Actually, the steps to reset Access password with Office Password Genius is similar to with Access Password Genius too. The only difference is that Office Password Genius could import more kinds of files, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook file. Moreover, these files password can be reset like access database file.

reset access database password with password recovery tool

With more functionality but the same cost, I think Office Password Genius is more worthwhile than Access Password Genius at this angle.


Access Password Genius is surely effective tool for access password reset. But compared with Office Password Genius, Office Password Genius seems to be better because more file password can be reset.

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What Errors Lead to Access Data Import from Excel or Export Failure


Even though data transfer between Access and Excel is usual now, errors are still occurring during data import or export. If you have tried to import data into Access from Excel or export data from Access database, believe you can understand it.

Now the following are some errors probably you would encounter during Access data import or export. Hope the solutions can give you a hand when you really meet Access import or export errors.

Error 1: Excel XLS cell data is over maximum limits

  • Import Error: The wizard is unable to access information in the file '<filename>'. Please check that the file exists and is in correct format.
  • Export Error: External table is not in the expected format.
This is an error during Access import/export to Excel XLS. Actually, the reason is that the Excel XLS file has cells containing more than 8224 bytes of data.

So, how to correct errors if you still want to import data from excel xls to Access or export data from Access to excel xls?

1. Use the *.xlsx format instead of *.xls.
2. Restrict any memo/long text fields to a length less than 8224 bytes.
3. When exporting, delete the existing .xls file before performing the export using the same file name.
4. Open the .xls file in Excel before performing the import/export from Access.

Error 2: Imported Excel file field is out of range 

When I try to import data into a table of Access database, I am getting "Field "F42" Doesn't Exist in Destination Table" error. I have a "client lists" table, and I am trying to add additional records to it.
If you see this error, it is because your excel file field is out of range and the extra fields cannot be imported into Access database table.

Now you would have to give up something, so you can import Excel data into Access successfully. Here are some suggestions for you.

Solution 1: Go to Excel file and hit Ctrl + End to see whether it is much further than you expect. If it is, delete all extra rows and columns, save, and try again.

Solution 2: Name the range in Excel that you wish to import into Access. Then, as you are importing the file into Access, you can elect to import that named range instead of the whole sheet. That should ensure that you are only going to import what you want.

Solution 3: Delete all the extra columns and a lone variable in a distant cell. Then you can import data into Access.

Error 3: Too much rows are in Excel spreadsheet

When you are using Access data import wizard to import data from Excel spreadsheet, you receive this prompting message:

Not all of your data was successfully imported into Access. Errors descriptions with associated row numbers of bad records can be found in the Microsoft Access table <>.

Actually, this is far from unique. When you open ImportErrors table, you would find it is Type Conversion Failure. When Access scans the data in spreadsheet, row value in spreadsheet cannot be confirmed.
Whether we can make row value verified correctly? The answer is surely yes.

Because the value is stored in registry, so it can be easily changed. Then it can be confirmed when import spreadsheet into Access.

Now see how to change the registry key?

1. In Windows desktop computer or laptop, click Start and type regedit in search or Run box. Press Enter to display Registry Editor.

2. In the registry tree, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Office - 15.0* - Access Connectivity Engine - Engines.

Or if your Access is not the latest version, you would not navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Office - 15.0*, it would probably be Office - 14.

correct access data import errors by changing registry key

3. Double-click the Excel node.
4. In the right panel, double-click the TypeGuessRowsentry.
5. Change the value data to be 0.
6. Click OK.
7. Select File -Exit to exit the Registry Editor window.

After setting the registry key to 0, Access will now scan the entire spreadsheet. This registry change works effectively especially when you frequently import huge spreadsheets into Access databases. But not all of spreadsheet row value should be changed. You can obviously set this value to whatever number of rows makes sense for you.

When importing data into an MS Access database, sometimes there are errors in the formatting of the data source. When this happens, MS Access will put the offending row into a separate table. In Access 2010, the file is called <name of import file>_ImportErrors. For example, importing try.txt, it would give try_ImportErrors.

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How to ZIP a File with a Password

In order to make file or folder smaller and safer, zip it and add a password to a zip file is a common choice. Surely the easy way to do this is making full use of archive program. Now in this passage, we will introduce how to zip and password protect a file or folder with two archive programs.

Choice 1: How to zip and password protect a folder with WinRAR

WinRAR has supported both rar and zip archive format. Follow steps below, and you can use WinRAR to zip a file or folder and add a password to zipped file.

1. Run WinRAR in your computer.

2. In the main interface of WinRAR, you can browse computer to select the file or folder you want to zip and encrypt in your computer.

3. After file or folder selected, click Add button in the tool bar.

select file or folder to zip

4. In Archive name and parameters window, select ZIP as Archive format. Name the archive or let archive name default in Archive name box.

choose zipped file format

5. Click Browse button to choose a location to save zipped file. The zipped file directory would be shown under "Archive name" box.

select location to save zip file

6. Turn to window top side and choose Advanced tab.

choose to set password for zip file

7. Click Set password and a new window Enter password appears.

8. Type a password in Enter password box, and Reenter password for verification.
Don’t check "Show password" and click OK.

set password for zip file

9. Click OK twice to finish zip file password protection.

successfully zip a file with a password

Choice 2: How to add password to zip file with 7-ZIP

7-zip is a common program that is used to compress file or folder as zip archive and add password to it. In the process of file encryption with 7-ZIP, the file you selected can be zipped at the same time.

 1. After 7-ZIP is installed in your computer, right click the file or folder you want to zip and add password to. Select 7-ZIP and click "Add to archive".

2. When "Add to archive" window appears, name the zip archive at the top box. Enter password and reenter it to confirm under "Encryption" option. Click OK at last.

Detailed introductions in: How to Encrypt a ZIP File with 7-ZIP

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How to Bypass WinZip Password after Forgot or Lost

After WinZip password forgot or lost, the first step may be to get WinZip password. Then bypass WinZip password can be come true.
  • Step 1: Get WinZip password with zip password recovery freeware or shareware
  • Step 2: Bypass WinZip file simple or complex password

Now see how to use freeware or shareware to bypass WinZip forgotten or lost password.

Method 1: Bypass WinZip password with free zip password recovery tools

If you have no freeware for winzip password recovery, in the following passage several freeware are introduced. You can choose one from them.

According to the detailed introductions about zip password recovery tools, choose one that is suitable for your WinZip file. After getting password with free zip password recovery tools, check whether the software you choose can help you to recover your winzip file password. If not, you should turn to Method 2.

Method 2: Bypass WinZip file password with shareware ZIP Password Genius

This shareware would be your saver when you cannot extract WinZip file without password. It helps you easily find WinZip password.

1. Prepare ZIP Password Genius and install it on your computer where WinZip file is stored.

2. Run it after complete installation. Then import WinZip file with Open button. Also, you can click File - Open File tab to open WinZip file in ZIP Password Genius.

run zip password genius for winzip password bypass

import winzip file to bypass password

3. It’s time to set password recovery attack method.

Under Type of attack, Brute-force, Mask, Dictionary and Smart, these four password attack types are provided for you to recover WinZip password powerfully. According to the possible WinZip password features, Brute-force and Dictionary are best choices. Brute-force can recover WinZip password forcibly. And Mask makes full use of password possible features to recover WinZip password.

4. When all of things have been prepared, click Start button to recover WinZip password. In the pop-up window, you can copy the WinZip password to save or open WinZip file directly.

recover winzip password successfully

5. Extract WinZip file with recovered password in WinRAR.

extract winzip file with recovered password

6. Create new WinZip file with contents in previous WinZip file. Remember don’t set a password to protect the new WinZip file.

bypass password to create new winzip file

Now do you have any questions about how to bypass WinZip password after forgot or lost? If you have, you can learn more about freeware or shareware for WinZip password recovery. 

How to Find RAR Password after Forgot or Lost It

  • I just downloaded a RAR file from Internet. However, when I began to open it, I found it is encrypted.
  • I have ever encrypted my RAR file, but I forgot its password when I want to open it.
  • RAR file is protected with password and saved in my computer safely, also the RAR file password. But it is strange that, I cannot find RAR file password on where I have ever saved. RAR file password lost
From the above cases, we can see that RAR file cannot be opened because of password forgot or lost. So how can we find RAR forgotten or lost password?

First, try to find RAR password in RAR archive or from where you got.

If your RAR archive is gotten from Internet, turn back to where you got it, probably password is provided there, but you have never noticed. Or RAR password is saved in a text document of the folder you downloaded. It is there all the time but never opened. So why not first check the RAR archive carefully or website you receive the RAR file?

If RAR password cannot be found with above tries, then it should be found with other more effective ways or tools, such as RAR Password Genius. You won’t have to consider anything, just need to prepare RAR archive and RAR Password Genius. And follow steps below to do.

Second, find RAR password after forgot or lost with effective RAR Password Genius.

Step 1: Run RAR Password Genius after successful installation on computer.

When you take cost into consideration, you had better choose trial or full version according to the possible RAR password. Trial version is free, and it supports no more than 3-characters password. Full version should be paid, but it supports any forgotten RAR password find regardless of password length or complexity.

run rar password finder to find rar password

Step 2: Add encrypted RAR archive to RAR password finder tool.

With Open button on toolbar, or File - Open File menu, you can easily browse all your computer hard drive and look for RAR archive you want to open. When you see it, select it and add it to rar password finder, RAR Password Genius. If there is no problem, it should be in Encrypted File box.

add encrypted rar archive to rar password finder

Step 3: Choose recovery method to find RAR password.

In RAR Password Genius, there are four password recovery methods in all. Everyone has its features. Therefore, before you make password recovery settings for recovery method you choose, think about which one is better for finding RAR archive password. Select it from drop-down list of "Type of attack".

password recovery settings to find rar password

At last, click "Start" button to find forgotten RAR password.

find rar password after forgot or lost

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